Relationships are Evolutionary Drivers.
They Bring Out the Best and the Worst in Us.
We do most of our transformational work on our own, but where the rubber meets the road, where our individual growth gets pressure tested, is when we come in contact with another human being.
We all want to love and be loved.
As basic as this desire is, it’s not so easy to fulfill.
Our Insecurities, Fears, Early Associations and Historical Prejudices Muck Up the Works.
Dealing directly with our issues in the presence of a significant other can be a powerfully rewarding experience. It can create newfound closeness, understanding, and respect.
Contrary to popular thought, our attractions are not so much about looks, sex, romance, security, or ego gratification.
Unbeknownst to almost everyone, our attractions are an unconscious invitation to do the work of finishing the job of raising ourselves.
You see, most of us were not fully nurtured as children.
We Were Treated in Ways That Left Gaping Holes in Our Human Fabric.
Relationships tear at these holes, showing us in no uncertain terms what work still needs to be done.
Couples experiencing “problems” need to know that they are being given an extraordinary gift.
They Are Being Invited to Grow Exponentially Together.
With a little effort, seemingly insurmountable problems can be transformed into vehicles for greater understanding, acceptance, and love.
Call, text, or email me now to see what’s possible to create with your partner.